Below are key affiliations, leadership roles, and certifications I hold:
Visitor Studies Association (VSA)
Member, 2013-present
Invited reviewer for the Visitors Studies journal
Member of leadership Advisory Committee for the Zoo & Aquarium Focus Interest Group (ZAFIG), September 2017-present; current vice-chair
Chicago Museum Exhibitors Group (CMEG)
Member, 2016-present
Member of leadership Steering Committee, December 2016-present
Manage membership directory and MailChimp email list
Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA)
Member, 2015-present
Founder and member of the leadership steering committee for the Social Science Research & Evaluation Scientific Advisory Group , September 2019-present
American Evaluation Association
Member, October 2020-present
A new affiliation as of Fall 2020
I look forward to AEA providing a new pathway & extended networking opportunities within the evalution field
Illinois Teaching License
Valid through 2023
Endorsements in all science subjects for grades 9-12
Middle school endorsement for grades 6-8
CITI Training
Humans Subjects Research Social-Behavioral-Educational